Our Partner
Institut für konkrete Utopien
How do you envision the future?
The Institute for Concrete Utopias deals with the question of how we as humans want to live in the future. It offers a space in which visionaries, thinkers and creatives and, above all, people who have hardly been able to make a contribution to society come together to think about alternative ways of living together and society.

A central approach of the institute is to view utopias not as abstract dreams, but as concrete possibilities. It looks at different aspects of life, from political and economic systems to urban planning, education and culture. Nevertheless, the Institute takes abstract dreams as a yardstick for change, as we believe that we, as responsible citizens, have the power to shape them. Regardless of political decisions or power relations, we want to enable people to create the world we want. An important focus of the institute is on the participatory design of utopias. This means that people are actively involved in the development process and can contribute their ideas and visions. After all, the ultimate aim is to create a future that is by and for the people - a future based on solidarity, justice and sustainability.
Through its work, the Institute for Concrete Utopias contributes to expanding the boundaries of the imaginable and opening up new ways of thinking and acting. The Institute is an opportunity for inspiration and change, helping to shape a world we all want to live in.